The training and research project of the doctorate degree in Agricultural Technologies and Biotechnologies is worth 180 ECTS credits, which are divided into theoretical training credits (30%) and research activity credits (70%) carried out through the research project. The research project of each doctoral student is planned with the tutor and co-tutor (if appointed), in line with the doctoral program and presented to the Board of Scholars by the end of the first year of the doctorate. Doctoral students are equally engaged in training activities which focus on highly specific topics related to agricultural sciences and common to the three curricula and transversal training activities in common with other PhD students attending the University of Molise. The educational and training project of the Research Doctorate degree includes a combination of different modes of learning: lectures, conferences, seminars, workshops, summer schools, master-classes, internships. The doctoral students’ participation in the doctoral training activities will be evaluated through the credit system (ECTS/ECTS), similarly to undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Scheduled teaching activity

Course Hours/ECTS Curriculum Lecturer
Theoretical and practical statistics course and use of software for data processing 24 hours (6 ECTS) All Luca Romagnoli; Giuseppe Maiorano; Filippo De Curtis; Andrea Sciarretta.
"R" programming language course for statistical data analysis 8 hours (2 ECTS) All Valentino Palombo
Soil proximal sensing supporting soil management 8 hours (2 ECTS) All Erika Di Iorio
Certification in the food chain 8 hours (2 ECTS) All Alessandra Fratianni
Advanced extraction and chromatographic methods in analytical chemistry 8 hours (2 ECTS) All Pasquale Avino
Equine milk for human consumption and valorization of marginal areas 8 hours (2 ECTS) All Elisabetta Salimei
Application of genomics and bioinformatics for the study of molecular plant-microbe interaction 8 hours (2 ECTS) All Giuseppe Ianiri

Activities for interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary training

Course Description
English Advanced English language course: conversation and understanding; scientific English writing. This activity is carried out in common with other PhD courses (4 ECTS).
Informatics The course aims at providing the cultural and technical tools that enable the PhD students to understand and deal with the evolution of IT. In particular, the PhD student will acquire the basic skills to identify adequate strategies for solving problems, as well as to analyze and interpret data, by using specific informatics applications and databases. This activity is carried out in common with other doctoral courses (3 ECTS).
Management of research, research systems and funding systems. This activity provides integrative knowledge to form professionals capable of managing the different levels of research-related activities and promoting change and innovation. (i) Courses held by experts on Management of Research Projects relating to European calls and main types of national calls (3 ECTS); (ii) Course in statistics and use of data processing software (5 ECTS); (ii) Basic course "R" (5 ECTS); (iii) Seminars on the activation of Start up and Spin off.
Valorization of research results and intellectual property (i) Course held by experts on soft skills: relational, methodological and personal skills, with particular attention to activities related to scientific research (3 ECTS); (ii) Course on communication, research evaluation and intellectual property (2 ECTS); (iii) Cycles of seminars, conducted by internal and external specialists at the University (3 ECTS); (iv) Participation in conferences, workshop and summer school (9 ECTS).